I would love to thank @mosafir for the invitation, hi to all!
Italy here.

That's a pic from my first "public exhibition" at Decadence, a nice party that takes place here in Italy, the model is a friend of mine who gladly accepted to participate at the experiment 🤣🤣🤣

@max I've attended Decadence parties a few times, and I remember waiting for you to finish your session, so I can also use the suspension frame 😉
I love these parties, can't wait to visit Italy again


@StudioDolor hi! I think that I remember you waiting near the frame and then giving me the chance to rest a bit 😁 because there aren't so much riggers that come to Decadence parties and tie in the main room, so I have always a lot of people waiting for some ropes, please come again and save me when parties will restart!!! 😉

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