A beautiful deserted beach where I had the perverted pleasure of tying up Cobie. We left her there (the beach was close to deserted except for someone walking his dog, he walked a little faster after seeing this) while we relaxed on the beach and occasionally snapped a shot.
m: @Cobie
p: @Carmineworx
@mosafir симпатично
The hishi (the diamond pattern) has long been enshrined in Japanese art, so I'm delighted to see that this pattern has its place in Japanese bondage art as well...... I step back for a moment and let myself be captivated by this simple elegance.....beautiful as she nestles into the rope and the hishis adorn her body..... 😍
Ukete: Traumsaengerin (FL)
Photo: DieDunkelkammer (Insta)
@Hela красиво! Шикарно..... Всё
@Hela есть река рядом. Горная, чистая.
@mosafir красота
@Hela я на даче загораю. Загар прилипает супер
@Hela хорошо тебе. У меня поблизости северный Ледовитый океан
@Hela на отдыхе?
@Hela шиб, блеск, красота!